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Ryijy Suomen käsityön museon kokoelmiesta. Ruskea ja punasävyinen ryijy, jossa keskellä siivet levittänyt lintu. Yläosassa hevosia työssä. Image Suomen käsityön museo (SKM) (

Information services are closed from 20 June 2024 to 31 July 2025 due to the holiday season and renewing of the museum's permanent exhibitions.

The Information Service of the Craft Museum of Finland is operated nationally and internationally, seeking answers to questions related to handicrafts and actively providing information on museum collections to researchers and students in the field.

With the help of the information service, the Craft Museum of Finland promotes craftsmanship and appreciation of handicraft and makes expert information available to the general public.

In addition to the museum's information service, the National Costume Center of Finland and the Conservation Center serve the information needs of its own specialty.

You can turn to the information service on small as well as big questions!

Ask from the Information Services

The information service is based on the museum's own collection of objects, photographs, archives and libraries, as well as databases, for example a rye database with nearly 3000 records.
Please send your question below to the curator responsible for the information service: craftmuseum.tietopalvelu[at] 

The museum will answer the questions addressed to the information service within a few weeks. However, during holiday periods, the response time may be longer.

The information service is free for the customer when it comes to, for example, identification. A fee will be charged for larger surveys and an hourly rate will be charged according to the service price list.

More information

Sari Jantunen, curator
tel. +358 050 311 8894
sari.jantunen [at]


the Craft Museum of Finland
information services