Student, welcome to Jyväskylä!

Did you know that Jyväskylä is a city of up to 40 000 students, and that as many as 90% of those studying here recommend Jyväskylä as a student city (Student Survey 2023)? In this article, we've put together the best of Jyväskylä from a student's perspective.
In Jyväskylä you can get everywhere in 15 minutes
Jyväskylä is a dense city, and the campuses of the University and the University of Applied Sciences, for example, are right in the centre. Nature, larger shopping centres or even a beach can almost always be reached by bike within 15 minutes.

Whether you're on foot, by bike, by bus (or Link in Jyväskylä) or by car, getting from one place to another is quick and easy. Many student apartments are also located in the city centre or otherwise close to good transport connections.
"What I like here is how close nature is and how close everything is to each other. In and around the city centre, you can do almost any kind of shopping really quickly because everything is close by. Settling in Jyväskylä was also made easier by good friends and quick public transport connections everywhere." - Student survey respondent
Affordable housing in a good location
Student housing in Jyväskylä is offered by KOAS and Soihtu, which have apartments to suit all needs and tastes. Many of the new student apartments are located right in the city centre, but there are also plenty of options on the outskirts of the city. 89% of students are satisfied with their current housing situation (Student Survey 2023).
The survey shows that the majority of students (58%) think that living in Jyväskylä is affordable. When looking for your own apartment, it is therefore worthwhile to take a broad look at what is on offer and consider what kind of apartment might suit you.
"The living is quiet and comfortable, but if you want to have some fun and action, there's plenty of that too. All services are available and close by." - Student survey respondent
Every fourth person in Jyväskylä is a student
When you arrive in the city, you will notice that a large proportion of the people you meet are young. In fact, in Jyväskylä, more than one in four people are students! This high proportion of students and young people ensures that there are always plenty of events, a wide range of activities and a lively city life. When you start your studies, it's a good idea to be active and get to know a wide range of hobby groups and communities, including those outside your own subject.
"I feel like I'm with my own, I've found my own "family", I've formed memorable relationships and memories more precious than gold! The student association is active and there is a sense of community, both during study and leisure time." - Student survey respondent.
Be sure to take advantage of the generous student benefits
Heading to the barber shop, the cinema or a restaurant? Don't forget to ask for the student discount! As a student, you can get discounts not only on many business services, but also on Linkki public transport and tickets to the city theatre, for example. Students in Jyväskylä are quite satisfied with the student benefits, with up to 77% of students saying that there is a wide range of benefits and discounts available (Student Survey 2023).
The benefits can be found on the Jamko and city websites, among others. If you have a student card app (like Slice or Frank), check out the benefits there too! To redeem benefits, you need a valid student card.
"Many shops/cafés/restaurants offer student discounts, even if they are not offered by other shops in the same chain elsewhere in Finland." - Student survey respondent
A warm welcome to Jyväskylä - the student sized city!
Up to 90% of those studying in Jyväskylä recommend Jyväskylä as a student city (Student Survey 2023).
"The living is quiet and comfortable, but if you want action and excitement, you can find that too. All services are available and close by."
"Many shops/cafés/restaurants offer student discounts, even if they are not offered by the same chain elsewhere in Finland."