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Sense Space

Antaudu aisteille!

Surrender to the senses!

At their best, museum objects are interfaces to the past. Different senses bring us closer to the people of the past. Our own culture determines what is beautiful and ugly, what smells good and what smells bad.

Suomen käsityön museo
Suomen käsityön museon Aistitilassa pääsee värjäämään lankaa ihan itse.

Guide for the exhibition builder

The aim of the exhibitions of the Craft Museum of Finland is to create experiences and to convey and increase knowledge of phenomena from different perspectives of craftsmanship. The museum's exhibitions present crafts as a profession, art and hobby.

In addition to its own collections, the museum presents the collections of other museums, institutions and individuals. The museum exhibits traditional crafts and contemporary products, old and new. In addition to national exhibitions, the museum regularly hosts international exhibitions.

Suomen käsityön museon tilat luovat mahdollisuuksia eri tyyppisille näyttelyille.